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Action, Comedy, Crime
Raja Chandra Pratap Varma aka King (Akkineni Nagarjuna) hails from a royal family, having taken over the legacy and riches after the death of his father Raja Ravi Chandra Varma (Sobhan Babu). King has a younger brother Ajay (Arjan Bajwa), mother (Geetha (actress)), maternal uncle (Dharmavarapu Subramanyam), and his late father's three sisters, who are married. Their husbands are Appaji (Jaya Prakash Reddy), Kona Venkat (Krishna Bhagavaan), and Gopi Mohan (Sayaji Shinde). The uncles steal money, which is for the workers. They make it look as though the employee Chandu is responsible. King believes and fires Chandu. Suddenly, King knew that the uncles hid the money in their room. He kept quiet because of his other family.
Raja Chandra Pratap Varma aka King (Akkineni Nagarjuna) hails from a royal family, having taken over the legacy and riches after the death of his father Raja Ravi Chandra Varma (Sobhan Babu). King has a younger brother Ajay (Arjan Bajwa), mother (Geetha (actress)), maternal uncle (Dharmavarapu Subramanyam), and his late father's three sisters, who are married. Their husbands are Appaji (Jaya Prakash Reddy), Kona Venkat (Krishna Bhagavaan), and Gopi Mohan (Sayaji Shinde). The uncles steal money, which is for the workers. They make it look as though the employee Chandu is responsible. King believes and fires Chandu. Suddenly, King knew that the uncles hid the money in their room. He kept quiet because of his other family.
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