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The story starts with Vasu (Vaibhav Reddy) narrating his story from childhood. He has four close friends: Kanagasabhapathi (Karunakaran (actor)), Kalyanasundaram (Arjunan), Pattabi (Venkat Sundar), and Venky (Karthik Priyadarshan). The five friends worship Seenu Anna (Robo Shankar) for his dedication to friendship, and one day, he advises to them that marriage will spoil friendship.
The story starts with Vasu (Vaibhav Reddy) narrating his story from childhood. He has four close friends: Kanagasabhapathi (Karunakaran (actor)), Kalyanasundaram (Arjunan), Pattabi (Venkat Sundar), and Venky (Karthik Priyadarshan). The five friends worship Seenu Anna (Robo Shankar) for his dedication to friendship, and one day, he advises to them that marriage will spoil friendship.
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