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"Pakshe" revolves around the tragic and sacrificial life of Balachandra Menon (Mohanlal), an IAS officer. Balan was brought up in a poor family whose properties were sold by his father (Karamana Janardanan Nair) to fund his legal cases. Unniyettan (Venu Nagavally) is Balan's teacher who motivates him to become an IAS officer. Balan is in love with Nandini (Shobana), an aspiring writer and belongs to a rich family. Their relationship is accepted by both the families and a marriage date is fixed. Bala successfully completes the IAS exams
"Pakshe" revolves around the tragic and sacrificial life of Balachandra Menon (Mohanlal), an IAS officer. Balan was brought up in a poor family whose properties were sold by his father (Karamana Janardanan Nair) to fund his legal cases. Unniyettan (Venu Nagavally) is Balan's teacher who motivates him to become an IAS officer. Balan is in love with Nandini (Shobana), an aspiring writer and belongs to a rich family. Their relationship is accepted by both the families and a marriage date is fixed. Bala successfully completes the IAS exams
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