The Stripper
The Stripper
The Stripper
1 season2019Ended
Drama, Romance
"The Stripper" tells the story of Camila, a woman who, when she was going through her worst moment in life, was invited to be a stripper dancer at Imperium nightclub, after a while, gets a job at a big company and starts to stay with the two jobs. One day, a famous businesswoman visits Imperium and is completely in love with the dancer Camila represents, called Karla there, but she has an agreement with the place to be just a dancer. The next day, at her company, she is introduced to her newest president: Lauren, the same businesswoman for whom she was so desired at Imperium. Through the help of her choreographer Wesley, and her friends Ally and Dinah, Camila / Karla will go through several situations to hide Lauren's true identity.
"The Stripper" tells the story of Camila, a woman who, when she was going through her worst moment in life, was invited to be a stripper dancer at Imperium nightclub, after a while, gets a job at a big company and starts to stay with the two jobs. One day, a famous businesswoman visits Imperium and is completely in love with the dancer Camila represents, called Karla there, but she has an agreement with the place to be just a dancer. The next day, at her company, she is introduced to her newest president: Lauren, the same businesswoman for whom she was so desired at Imperium. Through the help of her choreographer Wesley, and her friends Ally and Dinah, Camila / Karla will go through several situations to hide Lauren's true identity.
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