Ouran High School Host Club
Ouran High School Host Club
Ouran High School Host Club
Comedy, Anime, Romance
Ouran Academy is a high school that rich people attend, but Haruhi is a common girl who won a scholarship. Because her mother died and her father raised her, she is not interested in fashion and acts like a boy. One day, she happens to enter the Host Club room and breaks a 8 million yen vase. Because her family is not rich, she cannot afford to compensate the club for the vase. The leader of the club orders her to gather 100 guests to repay her debts. In this way, Haruhi become the 7th member to host girl students.
Ouran Academy is a high school that rich people attend, but Haruhi is a common girl who won a scholarship. Because her mother died and her father raised her, she is not interested in fashion and acts like a boy. One day, she happens to enter the Host Club room and breaks a 8 million yen vase. Because her family is not rich, she cannot afford to compensate the club for the vase. The leader of the club orders her to gather 100 guests to repay her debts. In this way, Haruhi become the 7th member to host girl students.
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