1 season2000Ended
Drama, Comedy, Animation, Romance
Gravitation is based on a Shonen-ai (boys-love) manga by Maki Murakami Sensei. The story revolves around a high school student Shindou Shuichi who is determined to become a professional singer, and had formed a band with his best friend Nakano Hiroshi, but however fell hopelessly in love with a famous novelist Yuki Eiri. The story goes on about how Shuichi and Yuki handle each other and how bumpy Shuichi`s road of becoming the greatest singer is.
Gravitation is based on a Shonen-ai (boys-love) manga by Maki Murakami Sensei. The story revolves around a high school student Shindou Shuichi who is determined to become a professional singer, and had formed a band with his best friend Nakano Hiroshi, but however fell hopelessly in love with a famous novelist Yuki Eiri. The story goes on about how Shuichi and Yuki handle each other and how bumpy Shuichi`s road of becoming the greatest singer is.
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